The area of a polygon


Calculation formula

Formula for calculating the area of a regular polygon by the sides and the length of each side:

S = N ⋅ a2 / (4 ⋅ tg(180 / π)),

where N is the number of sides, a is the side length, π = constant equal to (3.14).

Formula for calculating the area of a regular polygon through the radius of an incircle:

S = N ⋅ r2 ⋅ tg(180 / π),

where N is the number of sides, r is the radius of the inscribed circle, π = constant equal to (3.14).

Formula for calculating the area of a regular polygon through the radius of the circumcircle:

S = N ⋅ R2 ⋅ sin(360 / π) / 2,

where N is the number of sides, R is the radius of the circumcircle, π = constant equal to (3.14).

The area of a polygon online calculator

To find the area of a polygon, enter the input data in the appropriate fields. You can also calculate the area in the units of measurement you need